Men in Black, Infections and a Warning
Anyone who has been my friend for more than a minute knows I have vivid, often prophetic dreams. It's like I live an entire day, in great detail when I sleep. This dream I'm sharing as I no longer feel I am to keep these to myself. I dreamt this about three weeks ago. I felt like I was faculty at a high-school or university. I was heading to the school library to meet someone. The library was packed, it was a very "happening" spot. When I caught up to the person I was to meet, I went in to kiss them on the lips and right as I was leaning in, I heard, "they will infect you if you kiss them." So I pulled away and turned to look at the people around me. Like little "dings" it was as if I could tell that "something" was infecting the students in the library one by one. Their eyes would change, almost as if "no one was home." As I watched this "infection" spread I heard within me, "RUN." I bee-lined it to the do...