Everyone Has To Be On Board; Energy Attachments and Such
Everyone Has to Be On Board
I had been asked to "clean" a house by a friend of mine, who is married with two boys. They were getting sick often, which is a symptom of a heavy energy/entity. They bicker alot which isn't normal for them- this can be another symptom of an energy attachment in the house. It's common for one family member to become protective of the space where the energy has decided to reside. They had some strange things happening in their home and the mom of the family asked me to sage her home. The mom had heard her name being called by a disembodied voice, the boys said they had heard and saw things that were making them fearful at night and to be alone in their house.
I came by and talked to the family, to see what was going on, to "read" them, their energy, and feel their home for myself. After talking to them, I noticed the youngest boy was sincerely afraid. The oldest son seemed uneasy, but mostly thought it was cool. The mom was nervous for everyone in her house and the dad was open to my being there, but to me felt protective of his space. From reading their energy I mostly concluded that the dad also thought "this was cool" and didn't really want me to get rid of anything.
I do understand how people can think "this is cool" but given that I've fought some legit heavy stuff and have been "victim" to how they can wreck your life, I know these aren't things to be taken lightly.
I asked the family to please wait outside on the porch for me. I needed to focus, as I felt every nook and cranny of their home, and I can "hear" my guides and angels & entities in the home better when I'm not worried about the people being in the house with me. When I was in their laundry room, I heard children's giggles coming from their front bedroom. That's not my favorite. It's either really children stuck here in this reality that need to move on, or more malicious energies, trying to "fool" me into thinking they're children, so that I may allow them to stay in the house. Usually, people are like "oh, it's a lonely kid, it's ok if they stay." which is technically giving the entity permission to reek havoc in their home and life.
I felt super heavy energy in the next bedroom I felt around in, and in the master closet, I heard a lovely "I stay in here. I like it in here." It felt like a mama, who was gentle and lighthearted, so I just smiled and carried on.
I saged the house and with the help of the Arch Angels, I cleared out the entity that was "giggly" and heavy, but left the lovely lady in the closet. When I was "cleaning" the front room with the giggles, I got the sudden sense that the husband of the family was getting angry. "something must be attached to him. "This" must be attached to him and he's getting protective of it." I thought to myself and asked for protection from my angels.
When I finished up I went out to talk to the family about my findings. They informed me that the husband's mother had passed away, and her ashes were kept in the master closet. I told them, "Well, she feels lovely and seems happy in there." I asked the husband how he felt while I was inside "cleaning" and he seemed to get angry as I asked, he tensed up and said, "I'm not gonna lie, I started getting really mad, like I wanted to run in there and punch you and make you stop." I nodded as he spoke and said, "Yup. I could feel you getting angry and thought you might get protective of it. It may have grown an attachment to you. I'm going to sage you last. When I finish saging each of you, you're free to enter your home." I saged the youngest first, so he could feel safe and go back into his "clean" house and did the husband last. I prayed to my angels to help him with the negativity he was feeling towards me and he did seem to relax as I was saging him.
Afterwards, when we were all back in the house, I gave them instructions to help them keep up "positive" environment. Prayer, singing, ringing bells helps, using an oil diffuser with Rose Oil will help, but everyone has to be on board with doing their best to maintain happiness in their home. Everyone seemed on board but the husband. He told me "I think I attract them, that they like me." and in my head I heard, "then this will never end. Negative energies and entities will always come to him, as long as he believes he is a magnet for them. As one believes, so it is. As he attracts the dark, so he can attract the light. The choice is his." And believing is the same as giving "them" your permission to enter your home.
The house felt better to me when I left, but I felt uneasy about this job. I doubted what I did could make a difference. Not that I failed, but as one sees a doctor and the doctor can diagnose you, it's up to you to take care of yourself, to exercise and eat right. So it is with this energy work and soul work I do. I can tell you the root cause of the problem in an illumination I perform, or a "cleaning" I perform, but it's up to the people to keep up the positive thoughts, prayers, etc. And in this case, where it's more than one person living in a house, everyone has to be on board and do the work I suggest, or my energy clearing will be pointless.
In this case I am sorry to report that the family continues to see activity in their home. I do wish the husband would understand and believe that he is a magnet for good as well as bad. His feeling hostile towards me while I was cleaning I know wasn't personal- it's whatever this "thing" is/was in their home making him behave that way. Like a parasite. If he works on changing his thoughts and demanding things to leave him alone, "they" will. He can ask for his angels to protect him, his family and his home-it's that simple. "Ask and you shall receive. Whatever you believe will be," Says the Bible, and so it is. God knew what He was doing when he wrote the word and made living some things very simple. It's up to us. Having or letting things such as these bother us is up to us. What we believe shall be, says The Word. And so it is in this case- as long as one member of this family is not on board with the "positive" work, so heavy energies and entities will continue to bother them.
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