Your Faith In Life Determines ALOT

This isn’t a religious post, so don’t worry about me trying to convert you 🙂 This is merely a memo to serve as a reminder that having faith in ANYTHING larger than yourself will determine ALOT of what happens to you upon taking your last breath. What you believe in matters

On 5.23.19 I was asked by a friend to bless the house of her friend, a realtor, who was having issues with a home. They'd had an open house and had 22 people look at it, and not one offer on the house. We'll call the realtor Rick for the purpose of this story. Rick had told me that everything that could go wrong with this home had gone wrong. He had issues with the contractor during the rehab process, and he just felt uneasy when he was at the home.

I was super excited, as this was my first non-friend or family member, and my first referral!! I was excited to get legit feedback from someone who doesn't love me. I do love tons of people, but I feel as if I can do better if I know when I failed or lacked something-my loved ones being generous with their feedback does no good for the development of my gifts and this work I'm doing.

The night before I was to bless the house I had horrid trouble sleeping. Usually I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow- a gift from being Mexican! We are good at siestas!!! But not Wednesday night. I couldn't shut my mind off, which is NEVER my problem and once I did fall asleep I woke up every half hour. Being keenly aware of how “they”(spirit) operate, I was like "Oh no you don't! I SEE YOU! I'm going to get good sleep because I need to be guns blazing, ready for you!" I thought to whatever energy I had waiting for me at that house. You see, in the Spirit World (the Quantum Field) there is no such thing as time and space. "They" can affect me and "they" always know I'm coming. This wasn't the first time "they've" kept me up. It's "their" #1 trick, to break me down- wear down the flesh. For what good is the spirit if the flesh is weak? I took some Nyquil and got a solid 8 hours of sleep after that. 

Given that I needed to have all the energy I could muster, I made my super healthy shake and made sure not to eat "garbage" food until after I was done at the house.  I got into my car and felt TERRIFIED the first five minutes of my drive. I was like "what is this?! I've done this quite a few times and I know I have nothing to fear!" (For whom shall I fear, when I know God goes before me, and that HE is on my side!)  I took deep breaths and calmed myself and prayed to my angels to give me divine guidance on why I was feeling terrified like this. Immediately an image of two little old people, holding on to each other came to mind, then I heard, "they don't understand what's happening. They don't understand what's happening to their house." I understood my terror then. The old couple must be confused in the afterlife, perhaps not realizing they had passed and were still “living" in their home. Plus, if construction had been done to their home the energy of the renovation usually stirs up energy and can "raise the dead."

I had asked my best friend's husband, Scott to come with me to this house, as I didn't know Rick, nor was I familiar with the part of town this house was in. He agreed, so I went to pick him up. Scott had his own paranormal experiences, but I believe he is still a bit of a skeptic. I was grateful that Jenny and Scott love me enough to humor me and for Scott to come with me!!! Turns out he brought his gun, "just in case." He had suffered a massive heart attack and had been revived three times, so I didn't want him coming in the house with me, I just wanted a male body with me in case some weirdo was in the house waiting for me. When he asked why I didn't want him in the house, I said, "your body has been weakened by your heart attack and you lack Faith. If there is a demon or negative entity in there, you're the perfect candidate to take over. People who are sick are super easy to take over, as you lack the energy to fight them off- and your faith...well....let's just say I'm surprised your dying didn't bring you closer to God. But, maybe I asked you to come with me for a reason...maybe this will help your faith some. I dunno. I'll text when I'm in and then I'll text in 1/2 an hour. If I don't text, pray and come in. I prayed for you this morning though, so you're covered. Here, hold on to this crystal and don't let go of it. If you have to come inside, still carry it with you." (I had given him a large piece of Selenite crystal that has a charm of Arch Angel Michael. It's a protective and cleaning stone)

When we rolled onto the property I felt super sick to my stomach. I giggled and said, "OH MAN! THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT! I FEEL SO AWFUL!!!!" I reminded Scott about the rules, how long I expected to be in the house, hopped out of my van, got my Shaman Mesa and went in the house. I felt like I was being watched, but it mostly felt like a little old man, who was protective of his space. He wasn't hostile, just very protective, a little grumpy and scared. I opened my Mesa, did my usual Shamanic Ceremony with prayer and I introduced myself and told the little old man what I planned to do. I felt his wife come too, as if she was holding on to him and I prayed for them. I said, "You have died. You did a good job of taking care of this home, it's lovely, but it's no longer yours. You do not belong here any more. You must move on, towards the light now. I promise, whomever buys this house will love it as much as you do, and will take great care of it, as you have. You did a great job, thank you. Thank you for living here, and watching over your home these past few months, but it's time to move on." I prayed to their angels, to open a doorway to Heaven and help them move on. Then I prayed that those same angels close the door to Heaven. I saged every room, sprinkled holy water as many places as I could, while reciting The Lord's prayer with every step I took. I put rose quartz and clear quartz crystals in the four corners of their house and did the same thing to their property. They had a chain link fence around the back yard, but I noticed every gate was open. I thought to myself, "No wonder there are so many energies here. Look at all these open doors!" (open gateways and doors are an open invitation to anything passing by. One should always make sure gates, fences and doors are closed.) I also put the same crystals in the four corners of their yard, to help further keep negative energies out.

I then went back inside, started closing up my Mesa along with my blessing ceremony and I felt "I missed something." I grabbed my special bell and rang it in every room I had just saged.....or so I thought. As I did my bell sweep I noticed I had missed AN ENTIRE ROOM!!! I laughed out loud and said, "Oh there you are!!! I was wondering where you were, you sneaky thing!!! NIIICE! That was a good trick! I don't know how you did that, but that was gooooood!" I gave the heavy energy props, for they had fooled me. I went back to my Mesa, lit my sage, got my holy water and this time brought out Mugwort, to make sure I got it out this time! The house was a simple Florida style home. When you walk into the front room, you walk right into the kitchen and living area. There was a separate dining room and a LOOOOOOOOONG hall with four bedrooms. The master at the end of the hall on the left, and the right side had three bedrooms. I had COMPLETELY missed the middle bedroom on the right side. I legit have NO IDEA how I missed that room the first time, except whatever that super heavy energy was that made me ill upon driving up, and kept me awake the night before must have done something to me, to make me miss this space completely. And OH BOY was "it" in there! That room felt completely different than the other rooms. I was excited to call upon The Archs for help with this one!!! I saged, mugworted, prayed to God, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, my angels, Arch Angel Michael- everyone I could think of, to help get this "ugly" out.  

After that, I closed up my Mesa, thanked everyone whom I called upon, whom I had asked for help during and before I blessed the house, and moved out. 

I sent Rick a text, letting him know I was done blessing his house and he called me as I was driving down the street. Rick said, "You tell me what you found and felt first, and then I'll tell you the history of the house." "Deal!" I said, as that's my favorite part anyway!!!!!!! Confirming my findings and helping non-believers understand that they're not crazy and that there is SOOOOO much more than we can see and understand going on all around us!!

I told Rick about the old people, the old man who felt protective, but mostly afraid, that I felt his wife there too, but that it felt like she died first. I told him of how I felt very ill upon rolling up onto the property, to which Rick mostly said "ok" until I finished telling him of my findings and what I did. I told him that some old tools were still in the garage, and that I blessed them, but asked Rick to please remove them with respect. To say, "I'm taking these and will give them to someone who will take care of them and use them as good as you did. Thank you, for taking such good care of these tools!" I explained that in death we love the same things we did in life. (Jesus help me let go of my art supplies and paintings when I die!!) So it's normal for the person who has passed on to still be attached to their belongings. If you shop at antique shops, or estate sales, or a friend gives you ANY gift that they've had or belonged to someone before they gave it to you, PLEASE keep it outside, pray over it and ask your angels to release negative energies from it BEFORE you bring it into your house. You have NO idea how easy it is for these things to reek havoc in your home, just from buying an antique or getting a gift! I know, as I’ve been a victim to such heavy energies after purchasing antiques!!

Rick told me he and his partner also felt sick to their stomach when they were on the property and that every single thing that could go wrong did go wrong. That they'd even gone through a lot of trouble with a contractor or two and it was hard for them to keep workers inside the house. He also told me the home was owned by an old couple, and the husband had died in house a few months ago, the wife died before him.  I told him the elderly couple didn't understand what was happening, what all the construction was in the house, nor that they were dead, but it should feel better to him next time he goes there. Rick was having another open house two days later, so he was hoping my blessing the house would help.  I feel it did. I’m happy to say that since the blessing Rick has gotten an offer on the house :)

And as for my BFF's hubby :) I paid him in tacos and thanked him so much for coming with me. I'm not sure if I affected his faith or not, but I sure felt loved, knowing I have people in my life that will give me their morning to make sure I was safe while doing this work 🙂 In this and a few other blessings I’ve performed, I have come to learn that our faith in life does affect our afterlife. Not in that you’ll go to Hell if you’re a sinner… more like, if you don’t believe in Heaven, or have a relationship with our Maker, you may find yourself stuck in the physical world instead of moving on to whatever lies in the path of the journey of your Soul.  


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