Signs of Negative Entity
I'm going to share a list of things I've experienced, that can be signs of a negative entity present in a home or attached to a person or physical object. I'm not a doctor, or medical professional of any kind, this is just my opinion- I don't believe all mental cases are actually mental. I think often times people will have a negative entity and believe themselves to be "going crazy," when they're actually fighting a spiritual battle, but have no one around them to help.
Some call these negative energies "hitch hikers" draining them, causing them to be fatigued, grumpy, short tempered, etc. The person might complain of feeling "heavy" or always complain of being tired, even though their sleep patterns are good and considered healthy. Some people may see shadows out of the corner of their eye, or see silhouettes in their closets or doorways. Some have very disturbing nightmares, or may be randomly woken from a very deep sleep, feeling as if someone were watching them.
I say pay attention to how your house feels. Are you fine, and then you come home and feel heavy, or easily agitated, exhausted, grumpy, etc.? Do you notice that the people in your home are "suddenly" argumentative with each other, or snappy? How do your animals behave in some areas of your home (if you have pets) I also pay attention to babies and small children. If there's a room where animals won't enter, or children won't enter, I always pay attention to that, as they're more open and sensitive to these things.
Sometimes people experience objects being moved, doors opening and closing, people hear talking, or giggles, or scratching noises or growling. I don't "love" being able to hear the talking and giggles, but if you're hearing scratching noises and growling, especially if you're being touched or harmed I'd go to church immediately, talk to a priest, let them know what you're experiencing and ask them to bless your home and perform an exorcism. (to get the negative energy to EXIT your home. No one's head's need be turning here, you're simply extracting the unwanted energies from your space.) And it is YOUR space, which you have a right to live in peacefully.
Whatever it is, you have a right to claim your home as a Child of God, and ask "them" to leave you alone. Always take deep breaths, calm yourself down (do your best not to be afraid, as they can feed off of the heavy energy of fear. You think God didn't know what He was doing when He stated "do not be afraid" 365 times in the bible?! uh duh!) You could also find a medium, or Shaman, holy person or EXPERIENCED Sensitive person to perform the cleansing for you as well. I would NOT recommend trying to communicate and get rid of it yourself. I know you can find house cleansing advice online, but it's more complicated than that. The heavier energies can reek havoc in your life, and you need someone who can "feel" when the negative energy has left. They will know how to perform rituals, and how to close the rituals. Or you can contact me and if I'm close enough, I'll help you :)
Just know that once someone has come in to do a cleansing, it's not a "once and for all" fix. The fixing, in the end, is up to you and those in your home. If your home feels better and the personalities of people have returned to normal that's great, just know that if someone in your home is "curios" that they can attract lower energies back into your space. Everyone has to be on board with keeping high spirits, being positive, and hopefully get on board with seeking a relationship with a POSITIVE Higher power.
As for me and my home, we serve the Lord Jesus Christ. My babies are sensitive like I am, we know the "symptoms" of what to look for. Since they were little I've taught them protective prayers. I've saged my home plenty of times, as sometimes unknowing friends have dropped off dark energies in my home (bless their hearts). In the end I understand that we have nothing to fear, that I am a child of God, forged in His likeness and that only love is real. This knowing is what has helped me bravely face these stuck and "dark" souls and help them return to that which they are. They are of the light- no matter their current condition. They have simply forgotten. As we are asked not to judge our brothers and sisters on Earth, I do not judge the "lower/darker/negative" energies as bad. They are what they are. But their roots/foundations are of God, and He is Love. I simply help them to remember. Crossing souls over is a BEAUTIFUL and very powerful experience. Helping a soul return to Heaven is a humbling thing- one truly feels the Heavens rejoice, it's overwhelming. I've written about this in another entry, called Crossing a Soul Over.
So too, you should not fear, but stand strong in the knowing that you are loved and protected, and that help is easy to find.
Peace & Love Always
Some call these negative energies "hitch hikers" draining them, causing them to be fatigued, grumpy, short tempered, etc. The person might complain of feeling "heavy" or always complain of being tired, even though their sleep patterns are good and considered healthy. Some people may see shadows out of the corner of their eye, or see silhouettes in their closets or doorways. Some have very disturbing nightmares, or may be randomly woken from a very deep sleep, feeling as if someone were watching them.
I say pay attention to how your house feels. Are you fine, and then you come home and feel heavy, or easily agitated, exhausted, grumpy, etc.? Do you notice that the people in your home are "suddenly" argumentative with each other, or snappy? How do your animals behave in some areas of your home (if you have pets) I also pay attention to babies and small children. If there's a room where animals won't enter, or children won't enter, I always pay attention to that, as they're more open and sensitive to these things.
Sometimes people experience objects being moved, doors opening and closing, people hear talking, or giggles, or scratching noises or growling. I don't "love" being able to hear the talking and giggles, but if you're hearing scratching noises and growling, especially if you're being touched or harmed I'd go to church immediately, talk to a priest, let them know what you're experiencing and ask them to bless your home and perform an exorcism. (to get the negative energy to EXIT your home. No one's head's need be turning here, you're simply extracting the unwanted energies from your space.) And it is YOUR space, which you have a right to live in peacefully.
Whatever it is, you have a right to claim your home as a Child of God, and ask "them" to leave you alone. Always take deep breaths, calm yourself down (do your best not to be afraid, as they can feed off of the heavy energy of fear. You think God didn't know what He was doing when He stated "do not be afraid" 365 times in the bible?! uh duh!) You could also find a medium, or Shaman, holy person or EXPERIENCED Sensitive person to perform the cleansing for you as well. I would NOT recommend trying to communicate and get rid of it yourself. I know you can find house cleansing advice online, but it's more complicated than that. The heavier energies can reek havoc in your life, and you need someone who can "feel" when the negative energy has left. They will know how to perform rituals, and how to close the rituals. Or you can contact me and if I'm close enough, I'll help you :)
Just know that once someone has come in to do a cleansing, it's not a "once and for all" fix. The fixing, in the end, is up to you and those in your home. If your home feels better and the personalities of people have returned to normal that's great, just know that if someone in your home is "curios" that they can attract lower energies back into your space. Everyone has to be on board with keeping high spirits, being positive, and hopefully get on board with seeking a relationship with a POSITIVE Higher power.
As for me and my home, we serve the Lord Jesus Christ. My babies are sensitive like I am, we know the "symptoms" of what to look for. Since they were little I've taught them protective prayers. I've saged my home plenty of times, as sometimes unknowing friends have dropped off dark energies in my home (bless their hearts). In the end I understand that we have nothing to fear, that I am a child of God, forged in His likeness and that only love is real. This knowing is what has helped me bravely face these stuck and "dark" souls and help them return to that which they are. They are of the light- no matter their current condition. They have simply forgotten. As we are asked not to judge our brothers and sisters on Earth, I do not judge the "lower/darker/negative" energies as bad. They are what they are. But their roots/foundations are of God, and He is Love. I simply help them to remember. Crossing souls over is a BEAUTIFUL and very powerful experience. Helping a soul return to Heaven is a humbling thing- one truly feels the Heavens rejoice, it's overwhelming. I've written about this in another entry, called Crossing a Soul Over.
So too, you should not fear, but stand strong in the knowing that you are loved and protected, and that help is easy to find.
Peace & Love Always
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