Psychometry A Little Lesson In Fun

A couple months ago in my spiritual development class we did a psychometry exercise. Psychometry is the ability to get a reading off an object.  Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s amazing. 

I laugh because even though I’ve had front row seats to legit magic on Earth, I still always think this stuff is fake and everyone around me is crazy. But this was super neat so I’m going to share!

My teacher had us discretely pick an item that is currently “on us” she said “something you carry with you all the time, that’s very personal to you.” I picked my lip smacker, because I’d die without mine. Like- if I were stranded on a deserted island, I HAVE to have my lip smacker or I’m just going to die.

We each picked our things, hid it from the others and she passed around a large bowl that we threw our objects in. I believe this class had about ten people in it. The teacher went around another time, and had us (without looking) feel around in the bowl and pick out an item to do a reading off of.  I ended up with a little travel toothbrush.

We were to have the item tell us who it belonged to, and also write down as much information as we could from the item. We each sat quietly, stilled ourselves, with the item in hand, and then began reading.

These are the things I wrote down:
  1. Song “blue skies! Shinning on me!"
  2. ladybugs
  3. purple
  4. happiness
  5. feeling lethargic
  6. needs to be healed; diet will help
  7. release unnecessary emotions
  8. bandaids- with blood- open wound
  9. take better care of yourself overall- this will help in spiritual development
  10. song plays again in my head- perhaps dancing- enjoying yourself more
  11. go for a joy ride
  12. take better care of yourself. Take a break once in a while- go to the ocean, maybe on a boat ride
  13. horse and mule-maybe favorite animal?
  14. enjoy the day
  15. write down your troubles to help release them.

We then began sharing the information we got and “guessed” who it belonged to.

It was my turn to go and I read my list. I “guessed” the person wrong, but everything on the list, besides the horses and mules was correct. The girl, who turns out to be someone I love, shared the explanation of each item.

The song, “blue skies, shinning on me” is the song she wakes up singing every day. Her mantra. She loves ladybugs. At the moment of the reading, she was wearing a purple shirt. Happiness is what she truly strives for, every day, to feel and spread it. The feeling lethargic and health issues that arose were because she was just getting over a bad cold.  The Needing to release unnecessary emotions and “write down your troubles” was advice her boss had given her just before she got to class. Taking better care of herself/taking a break, going on the ocean is something she had just decided to do- she runs at 100 mph and had decided to do better at her own self care. She had decided to start taking walks on the beach as a quick break, as it’s walking distance from her job site.  The #8- bloody bandaid, that one caught her off gaurd, as that day, someone had left a bloody bandaid on her chair and it struck her as unusual and gross. and #14 she appreciated because that was the text her boyfriend had sent her that morning.

The person who got my lip smacker only got a few things off of it, but were mostly true. I think he missed three things he wrote down, but no biggie.  

I’ve done exercises with my children before, using this technique. Asking them to still themselves and see what an item “tells” them. Everything is energy, and all that has been is recorded in the ether of the All- some call this the quantum field, some call this “recorded in Heaven,” some say “it’s recorded in Spirit” or “it’s recorded in the Akashic” record- either way, the intelligence of All is kept, and because nothing is truly solid (everything is made up of energy) it can be felt and “read.” Anyone can do this. It’s a matter of stilling yourself, TRUSTING that the information you’re getting is coming from “the All” and you’re not just making this stuff up. 

In my journey, that was my biggest obstacle- believing in my SELF, that I wasn’t crazy or making this stuff up. Even though this has been my whole life, I still always doubt and think it’s all crazy. However-such is life. Amazing and wonderful and awful and crazy all wrapped into one. That’s why we come. To experience it all and to learn and grow :)


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