My First Real Healing

In 2014 I took my first healing class with my “Medium” mentor, Marilyn Jenquin. I use “healing” very lightly here- I mean the Light and Glory of God and All that is- that energy enters the body and does what is best for the body, physically and energetically. No matter what it does, it helps, whether an ailment is completely “cured” or not.

It was at the house of a very tall, gentle man, named Marcus. I was nervous, as it was my first event with a group of people outside of good friends and family- this was like game on! Most of the ladies were “seasoned” mediums and healers. Some were masseuses, some were Reiki Practitioners, and some were just kind hearted souls with “the gift.”

We opened up the class with a meditation, which was great, because it really calmed me down. I could focus much easier after that. We were taught what to do, what we might expect and the number one, most important thing, ALWAYS CUT THE CONNECTION between you and the person being “healed.” Being sensitive means, one can literally take the heavy energy of the person, into one’s self, causing maladies within ourselves. I’ve heard stories of tumors appearing in some of us healthy “healers” so I knew this was important to remember.

After meditation, I was paired up with the sweetest lady, and we began. I prayed for protection from my angels, and for them to surround both she and I. I asked our divine team to link up, then I got the chills- that's my signal that my connection has been made- and I put my hands on her shoulders, as she sat facing away from me, on a chair.  I had no idea what to do, so I just did what I always do, pray and do what my angels tell me to do in my head. I imagined white light from the heavens, down to my head, into my arms and through her body. I imagined I had wings, and that with those “wings” I enveloped her and simply thought the word “love” in my head. I also imagined my feet were roots, so that any heaviness wouldn’t be absorbed by me, but would be taken by Mama Earth (whose job is to take our heaviness, disperse it into the All that is, and give us back goodness) After a few minutes, I got a strong sensation in my right shoulder and upper arm, as if I’d been injured and could feel the low, dull discomfort. I also felt a lot of movement in my stomach, which I didn’t love, but handled it. I imagined the white light enveloping her stomach, and clearing whatever was in there. I also imagined a white orb on her shoulder, feeding that discomfort "Love and white light" as well.  After I while…maybe 4 or five minutes of this, I “heard” in my head, “that’s enough.” Which meant her body had received the amount of energy it could handle. And I imagined the light coming up from her feet, through her legs, back up her body, through my hands, up my arms, up my shoulders and head and back up to heaven. As if “heaven” were taking back the line of light. I also imagined my “wings” unwrapping themselves around her, and back to me, and I let go of her shoulders. I swiped my hands between us, to “cut the connection” and walked in front of her, to see how it went for her.

“How was that for you?” I sheepishly asked, thinking she wouldn’t have much feedback. She looked at me, with wondrous eyes and said, “That was amazing! You are a powerful little healer!” “yeah?!” I surprisingly answered, and asked her, “what’d you feel?” to which she replied, "I felt like I was being wrapped up in love and could feel this warmth fall from your hands through my whole body. And that feeling just stayed with me the whole time until you were about to stop, and then it felt like you were unwrapping me and you let go of my shoulders.” 

I could not believe it. It’s one thing, to imagine, and think all this stuff is real, it’s another to have another person tell you they felt exactly what you were doing, in your mind’s eye.
I was so excited and said, “oh my goodness! That’s exactly what I did!” I told her about thinking the word love the whole time, wrapping her up in my faux wings and then went on to describe the “slightly uncomfortable” sensations I felt in my body.  She explained that a few years ago, she was in a car accident and had broken her shoulder, and that she still suffers much pain from that injury. And the feeling in my stomach is due to the fact that she suffers from Crohn's disease. I was amazed and we just beamed at each other over the experience.

Since then, I’ve done many more intense healings and no longer doubt that my prayers and intentions are met with the aid of God and our angels. 

If this is something you'd like to experience (which I think everyone with a soul should!) then google "reiki healer" or "reiki practitioner" in your area! Reiki is simply another word for "Spiritual Energy." If you're naturally a very sensitive person, you may even be able to feel the energy working within you, it's pretty neat! Like getting your batteries recharged by God and your Angels :)


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