Cutting the Connection- Lesson Learned the HARD WAY

One VALUABLE lesson I foolishly learned the hard way, was cutting the connection between myself, and the person I’m doing a healing on. 

The lesson was learned when I went to have lunch with my beloved friend Mickey. Mickey is in his 80’s, and I go check on him about every three months. We usually have lunch in his town home, as he’s not as mobile as he used to be. In speaking to him, since becoming brave enough to share my gift,  I’ve come to learn that he performed hypnotherapy and is a medium as well. Mickey also believes in the power of energy healing. I’ve known him for almost 20 years and had no idea he had “the gift” - though I should have known better, given that he owned a large and very successful healing center for most of his life. After much talk, sharing amazing stories of things we’ve experienced as mediums and ‘healers’, Mickey asked me to heal him- it felt more like a “let’s see what you got, kid” than a friendly “oh please do one on me!” LOL- Mickey can be quite the little old rascal. 

He suffers from major back pain, so I went behind him, as he was sitting in his chair, laid my hands on his shoulders, closed my eyes and asked his angels to blend with my angels, so that I could connect with his energies. I imagined I had wings that enveloped him and I simply thought the word “Love."  I imagined white light coming down from the heavens, down to my head, through my arms and into Mickey’s body. I stood there for a few minutes, until I heard the words, “he’s had enough.” 

As I was imagining my ‘wings’ unfolding from around him and the energy leaving my hands, Mickey interrupted with a joke.  I chuckled, walked around in front of him and asked him how he felt. He laughed, looked amazed, and with bright eyes, sat up a little taller, moved his arm in a large round gesture and told me he did feel better. He said he felt a warmth fall over and through him and that his back does feel better. I was pleased I could help my friend and we finished up our little lunch date.

The next morning I woke up with EXTREME pain down my spine- like I was paralyzed, pain. I closed my eyes and prayed, “Angels what’s going on, why do I feel this way?" and “they” answered, “you didn’t cut the connection.”  I remembered Mickey making a joke before I could go through my mental checklist and cut the cord!! I quickly imagined myself cutting the cord as I laid there. I prayed for Arch Angel Raphael to flow through me and remove this pain from my body.  After several minutes I felt better and was like “Woah. I won’t be doing that again!” And thanked my angels for taking the pain away.

That was when I learned my lesson about cutting the cord at the end of the healing.

I’ve heard and read from several sources the importance of the healer cutting the connection. We can feel in our bodies the physical ailments that are in the bodies of others. We can also TAKE that ailment unto ourselves. It’s a danger us healers face.  I knew this and I was upset at myself for not cutting the cord.

Lesson learned! No matter what, I must ALWAYS cut the cord and pray for protection that the person doesn’t take from me, and that I don’t take their ailment.  It’s true that they say lessons stay with you, when you’ve experienced it yourself!!!! 


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