Cleansing Licy's Home
This is my account of helping my friend Licy. At the end of my story, I've included Licy's account (with her permission) This was a case where a negative energy had attached itself to an object, reeking havoc on Licy, along with a stuck child spirit, that needed help crossing over as well.
I went home for Christmas and my friend Licy sent me a text and asked me to help her. There’s been strange happenings in her house and asked if I could do a cleanse. I leapt at the chance, as I’ve only ever done my home and my mama’s house. We planned for me to come over the next day.
OF COURSE the ONE TIME I didn’t bring my bag with me, where I carry my sage, a cross, holy water and a white candle. But I knew Maggie, my grandfather’s girlfriend, who also had “the gift," had given my mama “tools," so I prayed for my angels to help me find that stuff and I found tons of holy water, a cross and some protective stones... plus I had my “white Angelica” oils which I always carry in my purse so I was good. My angel team never lets me down.
I got to Licy’s house and as I stepped outside I felt a little old lady sneering at me saying “brujaia! Quítate de aquí con to brujaia!” (Witch! Get out of here with your witchcraft!) and I simply smiled towards the energy, thought the word “peace” and answered in my head “I am not a witch. I am an angel on Earth, here to do the work of the Lord.” And asked it to “please excuse me, I no longer hear you.” And went up to the front door.
Licy’s mom answered the door, saying she thought I was her son, Jr. As he drives the same van as I do. I went in and Licy was waiting for me. It was a little after 11 and everyone was just starting their day.
I got my pad and paper and wrote down things I was getting and advice for Licy to do after I’m gone. Protective prayers & such. She is a medium, only not honing her gift. Spirit won’t leave her alone until she learns to set boundaries and exercise her divine gift. She is a warrior of the light as well, only is not stepping into her power. Energies will settle around her once she does acknowledge her gifts.
She told me a lot of children’s toys go missing or found places they’re not supposed to be. I told her she probably has a child energy here. She said she’s seen a little girl in her kitchen.
Kids can get stuck here because they’re so young. They don’t know how the “dying” process works- they do actually, their souls do, but it’s easier for them to get stuck here, always searching for their mommy or daddy.
The house felt very heavy and it was hard for me to breathe. Very foreboding. Besides the kid they had something heavy here.
Babies and kid’s prayers are stronger than adults. They’re still close to God and haven’t been closed up yet. I asked Licy if we could get her kids together and pray with them. -basically their prayers gave us machine guns in the spirit world. With their tiny gigantic prayers, we’d be protected for sure.
I asked to go to the room where the energy was. And oh yes was there a difference there.
Licy told me most of the happenings stemmed from the closet. I felt a heaviness by the bed, but figured she lived here she’d know better than me.
I told her we were going to open a portal to heaven and ask any stuck souls to go through. And then we closed the door.
I only felt 30% better. I turned to Licy and she felt heavier than before. So I sprinkled her forehead with holy water in the shape of a cross. She needs to get rid of heavy energy she collects throughout the day, especially since she’s a sensitive.
I asked her how she felt and she agreed a little better but not 100.
I was saddish that that wasn’t it.
I walked to her left and stood in front of the bed. I said “ I feel like it is and is not the bed.” I waved my hand over it to see if it was the headboard, or what. Antique headboards could carry the energy of the old owners.
That wasn’t it.
I asked if there was storage under the bed and asked if I could look. She said "go ahead" and I looked under it. Completely clean except for one small box.
“That’s it.” I thought and pulled out the box. I said “I feel like it’s in this box.” And we opened it and and there were many small trinkets in the box. One item looked like an old jade elephant that fit perfectly in my hand. I sprinkled holy water over all the items and said “these things no longer belong to you. You have passed on and must return to the light. These things now belong to someone else. I pray for our angels to cleanse these items of negative energy. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.” And the room felt immediately better. As if sunshine could actually stream in. I said, “Oh my goodness, if you have a crystal bell in here, that would be perfect. We rummaged through the box and SURE ENOUGH, a perfect crystal bell was under all the other little trinkets! I sprinkled it with holy water and told her to use that when she walks around her house, praying and cleansing it. I told her, “”They” hate the sound of bells ringing! Plus this is crystal so it’s even more perfect!” She looked at me like “really?” I was so excited and giggled “yeah! You know in the bible it talks about angels singing and bells ringing! That’s why! This bell sends out a high pitched, vibration, a beautiful sound! “They” hate that because they are low vibrational energies! Forget sage! Say your prayers over your home and ring this bell! They’ll run out of here so fast!!!” I rang the bell for good measure and everything seemed brighter and lighter and better :)
My test was to see if the dog or the baby would come in. They’re very sensitive to this stuff and I thought “if they come in, we’ve done it.” Cooper, the dog has been there all along but wouldn’t come in the room, almost as if he read my mind, he came in and laid down in the middle of the floor as if on vacation. Licy couldn’t believe it and said “he would never come in.”
I took a picture and sent it to Alma, my friend of 14 years and Licy’s sister, to show her and she said the same thing “Cooper would never go in there and he certainly wouldn’t have laid down like that! That’s amazing!”
I told Licy to open the windows to let the old stagnant energy out. When you keep your house’s windows closed the energy gets trapped inside. “Spring cleaning” is a way to clean out the old and let in the new. We opened the windows especially since it was the first day of winter and God had sent the northern winds (new energy) to us as a gift.
So with the heavy energy gone, new breeze in the entire house felt better and lighter. It was a good morning.
*as I post this, it’s January 10, 2019 and Licy is still reporting that her home is great and her children are happily going into the room we cleansed.
From Licy:
I write this review as my own story and personal experience. I will not make a profit nor am I being paid for this. So first by starting off saying thank you to Crystal for all her help and most of all thanking our creator for always protecting me and my family.
I remember moving into my current home and having to sleep in this particular room of the house. First few months were fine like anything else. Then it all began. I remember being around the age of 15 or becoming of that age when I would receive a visitor in the middle of the night. Only these visits were never pleasant nor were they asked for. As I slept in my room there was a particular being that would come out of my closet. This being would literally wake me up out my sleep and pin me down. Never could I see a face just a dark shadow like being that was definitely masculine. Unable to move or scream for help this thing that came at night would choke me as I laid helplessly in my bed. This became a recurring thing on a monthly basis. I remember telling my parents and of course they would tell me I was dreaming or that I was making this up in my head. Each visit things got worse and worse. The physical violence became more and more then, when I woke up I would have bruises and scratches all over my body. After the visits I felt drained and felt like my body was slowly deteriorating at a young age. I couldn't sleep, I would vomit in the mornings and most of all I felt alone. Later on this being was no longer the only visitor that would come. I remember a little girl that seemed lost that would wake me up as well. She would call me mommy and ask me to follow her. I would tell her that I wasn't her mommy and to leave me alone. At the time I didn't have the understanding I have today, so I literally felt like I was losing my mind. Until others began to notice. That is when these events became my reality. The visit were no longer during the night, but became an around the clock thing. When I would speak to opened minded individuals these beings made sure to show themselves to that person I was speaking to. Wether by touch, by speaking, or by making objects near us move. It was then when I realized I was no longer alone nor was I going crazy.
Fast forward to now I have moved back into the home and yet still no one sleeps in that room once I moved out. Anyone that stayed the night always stated they felt like something was watching them from the closest. Or that they would be awakened randomly and had an uneasy feeling. The day Crystal came to help me clear the energy from the home and that room was rough I won't lie. I remember speaking with her previously and scheduling our date and time. I made sure I went to bed at a good time and set my alarm to wake up to be prepared. That morning I felt so heavy, I felt like I wanted to call and reschedule. The voice in my head told me just to lay in bed and not do anything, that I was making everything more then what it was. As I laid there struggling to open my eyes because my mind was fully awake I realized that the voice I was hearing was not of my own, so I quickly prayed to God to help me get up and take care of this situation.
Within a matter of minutes I was able to open my eyes and right then I got up and got ready. My phone rang a few minutes later and I felt a sudden joy that I knew I was not about to do this alone. Crystal pulled up and I greeted her at the door with open arms. I later felt a sudden feeling of anxiety out of nowhere. I began hearing the voice again that all of it was unnecessary, I felt a battle beginning in my head. We sat and discussed the current situation. Which was the feeling of heaviness when home, feeling tired and not wanting to do anything but sleep, the feeling of being unable to breathe and before I even got into details she felt everything I had been feeling weeks prior. She went from sparkling happy Crystal to sounding as she was struggling to speak to me. She instantly picked up on the energy that was lingering in the home. We immediately prayed and asked God and our guides to connect with one another. After praying for each room and feeling the energy clear we headed to the main room.
The room was very dull and cold feeling as it was still morning time. We opened the blinds to let the sunlight in. Crystal stood in front of me and we both prayed for the closet. The whole time while praying I could feel as if a was being pushed from behind. I would open my eyes and see nothing other than her standing in front of me. We were the only two in the room at that time. I can't remember how long we spent, but out of nowhere I felt grounded. The feeling of tears of joy had came over me and I felt that whatever major energy or energies that were present had found where they were meant to be. We both look at each other and smiled. For a good minute there I felt as if I was uplifted with joy. So I took a deep breath in to see if it was fully clear, but then I began to pick up on something else. The heaviest of the load was gone, but something was still there. We searched and prayed some more for the room when we came across a box underneath the bed. This box belongs to my mother and held little random figurines that had been given to her over the years. We sat and prayed some more over the items presented in the box, it was then we both felt a complete lightness in the room. Not even a minute later my sister's dog walked in and just laid next to us on the floor. Mind you this dog was another one that would not enter this room. At that very moment we realized that we had done the work that was intended. It's been about two weeks and my children and their friends have enjoyed playing in the room now. No more "mommy I'm scared." The whole house feels warm and welcoming. One thing is for sure sometimes you need a stronger, more experienced person to help in situations like theses. I know I have been gifted with certain abilities, but I still have a long journey in learning how to deal and use them. I am truly grateful for the kindness and understanding that was shown by Crystal and look forward to working with her in the future.
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