So, how’d I go from Deacon to Shaman? LOL, I KNOW RIGHT?!

Spring 2018 I was on a flight with my family, when I felt my “soul” kind of throbbing and I turned to my very Christian husband and said, “I feel like I should become a Shaman.” He turned, a slight smirk spreading across his face and he said, “Aren’t you already a Shaman?” I was taken aback and said, “What? No. How am I already a Shaman?” He goes, “baby, you talk to trees. And with all your tinctures and oils and weird stuff you do.” I laughed and said, “Excuse me, our tree gives us super delicious oranges! If you gave us gifts all the time, wouldn’t you want to be thanked? Trees make AIR it’s important! I’m pretty sure if they made Wi-Fi more people would care about the rate at which we’re tearing them down!!! And doing stuff with oils isn’t bad!! Jesus used oils and they were all over the bible!” He just grinned and shook his head at me. It was his “I love you, weirdo.” Grin and head shake. God bless him, he does put up with my woo-woo stuff pretty good, but this was probably the weirdest one so far. Maybe.

So I prayed to God to show me signs, if this is the path I was to follow. 

A few weeks later,  I was hanging out with my good friend Laura (who was an attorney, turned hypnotherapist that I work with on We enjoy “playing,” together- as in, she likes to put me under because in one of our sessions we discovered that I can trance channel. I’ve channeled quite a few beings and we write about it on our Nebula Sisters blog. During her visit we did a session and in trance channel we were told that trees take our dominant energies into the earth and the earth helps disperse them into the Ether. For instance, if you’re very sad, and you take a walk in nature (barefoot!) and you touch a tree, the tree will take the heavy energy from you, pull it into its body, into its roots and give it to Mama Earth, who will disperse that energy into the Ether and fill you back up with good stuff. Given that I still think all of this is crazy, when Laura was “bringing me back up” from this session I prayed, “Dear God, if this information is real, please give me a sign in the physical world that we’re not making stuff up.” So, we’re talking about this session and Laura tells me, “I’m thinking of becoming a Shaman.” My eyes got HUGE and I said, “SHUT UP! ME TOO! Like I feel it in my belly!” She said, “yeah me too!” I said, “oh my goodness! Please let’s do this together!” I SUDDENLY remembered that for 6 seconds I had met a Shaman!! A tall, very normal looking man whose energy reminded me of my dad. He looked TOTALLY normal, so that’s why he stood out to me. He shared office space with my old hypnotherapist, and she had introduced us. I told Laura I’d look him up, and we started looking into the practices and beliefs. 

I then researched that Shaman online  and I decided to make an appointment for an “illumination.” An illumination is when you bring a “problem” to the Shaman and he or she will try to heal you, by going into your soul, and finding the root of the problem, with the aide of his Spirit and Animal Guides. So I called to make an appointment to see what this Shaman thing was all about. (I really wanted to make sure it wasn’t blood-letting and chicken bones.) The Shaman was kind and answered all of my questions. So as I’m talking to Shaman Brad, somehow we get onto the topic of trees, and how I hated that we cut one down in our back yard, because though it was gone, I felt I could still “feel” the tree there, and it made me sad. It felt as if there was a great wound in the earth where the tree had once been. The Shaman told me, “Oh yes, Trees are powerful healers. They take our negative energies into them and pull it into the earth and fill us back up with good stuff.” 






I thought, “oh my goodness, he did NOT just say EXACTLY what Laura and I were JUST told during trance channeling!!!"






And amazing and terrifying and like WOAH at the same time! Life is all of the things!!!

So the Shaman and I set a time and day to meet at his office for my “Illumination.”  And Laura agreed to look into Shamanism near her, as she lives in Georgia.   A couple weeks later, I’m in the Shaman’s office, which looks like a nice, normal office, except instead of a work desk, there is a massage table, so people can lay on it while he does his work (that is much like Reiki Healing).  We talked a bit, and I discussed my wanting to fix my “mean girl" inside me, as well as my abandonment issues. My “mean girl” is this hideous “girl” I painted a few years ago, and she is the ugly voice inside my head that tells me things like “you’re going to mess that up. You’ll fail, You’re unworthy, you’re unlovable.” Shaman Brad then took me over to a table (his Mesa) where he had a lovely cloth with four squares on it, and in each square were several rocks, crystals, some feathers and some wood pieces, along with some other cool Native Indian relics and such. (I would later learn that this is the “tool bag” for Shamans, with all their healing tools in it used during ceremonies, illuminations, soul retrievals and such.)  He had me pick some stones and get up on the table to begin the process. When I laid down, he asked for my permission to lay the stones on my chakras (which I kind of thought was weird, but since I live in the land of weird, I thought “why not?”)so I agreed. He asked me to take deep breaths and if I wanted to, I could “journey” while he worked.

I closed my eyes because it’s awkward (for me) to lay down and have someone work on you and look them in the eyes. Shaman Brad laid the crystals on my chakras, I took super deep breaths, to get the energy in my body moving, and I began to meditate (journey) while he worked. Shaman Brad told me he’d journey with me while he worked.

After a few seconds of deep breathing and meditating, I was “taken” to an all white space (my signal for “this is a divine experience.” My brain will make up a meadow with unicorns, my brain never makes up a white space. I always know this is divine, when I’m taken to the white space) And in this white space were seven doors. I could hear Shaman Brad asking me to pay attention to who was journeying with me (apparently, when you “journey” one must do so with a guide) Arch Angel Gabriel, the Messenger Angel, appeared next to me in this white space. Shaman Brad asked me to ask the Angel to show it’s true self. I thought this was weird, as what other forms could angels take? What else could they be? I dunno, but I did as I was told and asked the Angel to show it’s true form, which resulted in him turning into a large, beautiful brown hawk. When asked why he was a hawk he said “I am here to teach you about flight, and to see things from a higher perspective." So Hawk came with me, as I went to door #6, opened it and walked in. 
white doors

When I went it, it looked like a blazing inferno. Like a deep, narrow cave, and all the walls were ablaze and down the center was a path made of ash. Flames surrounded me, yet I was not hot nor harmed. I (with great attitude) said, “Really? Hell? I stopped believing in Hell last year, why am I in Hell?” to which Hawk replied, “You are not being shown Hell, you are being shown Fire.” “Oh!” I nodded and listened as Hawk continued, “Fire is not bad. Fire makes way for new growth. It is transmutive. Your energies are being transmuted as you walk through this.” “Oh!” I said to Hawk, genuinely enlightened, as I did see fire as something bad that could hurt you. I never thought of it as something that is good and necessary for rebirth.  After this realization I noticed a good few feet behind me, a Badger showed up on the path, and followed us as Hawk and I continued to walk down the ashen path.  About 3/4 of the way in the cave, a HUGE Eagle Headdress was put on me. The thing was HUGE and cumbersome. I got frustrated, as I felt “they” were mistaken by putting this thing on me. It looked as if someone got an Eagle, chopped it’s head off at the shoulders, and put it on my head. I could see the bottom of the Eagle’s beak, it was huge and I was very irritated by the large, clunky accessory. I really felt it would better suit a large man, like any of my uncles, who were large, manly men with broad shoulders, I felt this would fit them PERFECTLY!!! I begrudgingly tried to balance this thing on my head, as I turned to Hawk and asked, “why do I have this on?” Hawk answered, “You are a king.” Shocked, I laughed and said, “ But I’m a GIRL, how can I be a king?” and Hawk answered, “You must honor your masculinity, as well as your divinity.” “Ahhh! Like balance! Got it.” And I continued to walk, now having adjusted myself to the large headdress. We then turned around to retrace our steps down the ashen path and exit door number 6, Badger now before us.

Outside of the doors, I was surprised to find my hideous “mean girl” as I painted her, creeping along the doors, trying to get in one. Since we were doing soul work here, I wasn’t afraid, I simply let my “mean girl” slink around, and Badger still followed closely behind us. Hawk and I entered door number five, which was a beautiful field, with waist high grass that swayed in the wind like an ocean. The breeze was so delightful and the air was so pleasant I felt I could relax forever and just take a nap!  But just as I thought that, I became THE AIR! I was expansive and light and could go as high or low to the earth as I wanted to. And all of a sudden I was SUCKED INTO THE LEAF OF A TREE!!! It was amazing!!!! I was taken into the vein of the leaf, and into the branch, and down the trunk, into the roots, then into Mama Earth and then SUCKED BACK UP the root, up the trunk, up the branch and out through the leaf again, which was when I was BREATHED IN by a person, and was taken into the person’s lungs, and dispersed all through the person’s blood stream, and back into the lungs, and out the person’s mouth. I was out in the open again, and that was when I asked Hawk “what's going on? Why am I the air?" and Hawk said, “You are being shown the connectivity of all that is.” This lead me to understand that we are connected to EVERY LIVING THING simply by the air we breathe! The air that fills our lungs also filled the lungs of our brothers and sisters in Europe and has even filled the lungs of our ancestors!! Every living thing is connected by the air, it was the most fascinating ride ever!!!!!

After that epiphany, we left door number five, and were back in the white space. I noticed the mean girl and badger were gone. Hawk and I  then went into door number 4 and when we walked in I was shown a beautiful mountain range in a pristine landscape and I quickly BECAME THE MOUNTAIN. I felt massive, and solid and could not move. I kind of hated being a mountain, as I like the freedom that movement allows. Irritated, I asked Hawk, “Why am I a mountain?” and Hawk replied, “You are being asked to understand the ways of the mountain. To be the mountain and stand firm in who you are, in your inner strength. Mountains withstand wind and storm and sun yet do not change. Mountains bare witness to all that is. They are the witnesses to history.” “oooookay.” I replied, as I stood, still as stone.

Hawk and I were then back out in the white space, and we went through door number three. I loved door number three, as we were taken to a place that felt like Alaska. Comically gorgeous lush green, covered the land and beautiful snow capped mountains lined the sky way. There was snow everywhere, and everything seemed frozen. “What is this?” I asked Hawk and Hawk answered, “You are being shown Ice. Ice can be protective. The first frost gently covers the green land, protecting it from the bitter hard snow and cold. Ice holds things in suspension. As if being frozen in time.”  I nodded, as I stood, looking around….not really understanding this one, but agreeing that no matter what, it was beautiful and I was beginning to understand that everything God makes is necessary.

We left that space and went to door number two, where we went to the Sun. I asked, “Why are we on the Sun?” Hawk answered, “The Sun is necessary for all of life on Earth. Nothing on Earth can exist without the sun.” “ahh!” I smiled and thought as I reflected on the sun being the reason we have all that is green, including process of the making of the air we breathe.  

We didn’t stay on Sun long, before we left and were taken to the surface of the moon. I asked, “Why are we on the moon?” to which Hawk answered, “The moon does not shine without the Sun. It reflects the light of the sun. There are some life forms that only grow under moonlight. And much life and many cycles would not be possible without the moon.” I nodded and smiled, now very full of much new information that gave me a greater appreciation for all God has created and the connectivity of all that exists on Mama Earth.

Hawk and I were taken back to the white space and at this time I could hear Shaman Brad telling me it was time to come back from my journey. He told me to say goodbye to my guide and thank them for showing up. I did and the vision began to disappear. Darkness filled my eyes, as they were still closed, and I began to wiggle my fingers and toes as instructed. Eventually I opened my eyes, but remained laying down, so I could get my bearings back. 

Shaman Brad asked me to share what I experienced, and given that I wasn’t about to let this guy pull a fast one on me, I wanted to hear his story first. I didn’t want to tell him my story and then he say “I saw that too!” LOL. I wanted to hear his journey first!

He told me many things. The first was that he tried to conjure my mean girl up by getting me riled up and trying to make me angry. He told me he sent BADGER in to get my mean girl angry. I could have passed out!

He got teary eyed and said, “When I sent badger into your soul to provoke the darkness within you out, you would not be provoked in anger. It was as if you were working to get the darkness in you out with love." He said he'd never experienced that before. He said "badger can always provoke people to anger. He's never failed me. But there is no such thing inside of you. It was all love. You got it out with love." 

I could have PASSED OUT when he was telling me this! Near the beginning of my journey, I felt as if I was split in two!!! As if I could journey and be actively aware of Brad’s work on me as well!! An extremely loving being appeared next to Brad, as if Love could incarnate into an energy being, that’s what it felt like. It felt more feminine then masculine.  “Love" appeared next to Brad, watched him trying to get me angry, and she laid one hand on his shoulder, and hovered her other hand over my stomach and said to me, “we can get the darkness out with love.” From her hand poured out pure white light that felt like it flooded my body cavity.

I went on to explain to Brad that during the beginning of my journey a Badger did show up, which I found peculiar but went with it.  Brad went on to tell me along his “journey” he was drifting on a lake that was very still, in a canoe and he got a sense that there was a hat across from him, but the hat was not shown. This hat, he felt was symbolic of my “wearing a new hat,” as in a new occupation. He told me he was informed by his guides that should I choose to learn “the ways” it would be a great honor for him to teach me. He was shown that I am a seer and a “way-shower.”  I asked him what that was, a “way-shower.” He said, “You show the dead the way to go. And since you have a pure heart, you can easily travel between the three realms.”

My eyes got huge and again, and I told him, “I do have a lot of dreams where I’m in this endless white space, standing by a door, and people will come to me, and tell me they’re going to die soon. I open the door, they walk through and within two weeks, they do die in real life. I just never knew what it meant.” He grinned, this all-knowing grin and said, “yup. You’re a way-shower. Should you choose to learn the ways of the Shaman, I could teach you to do that on demand, not just in random occurrences in a dream state. You can help people in a coma, or a great depression. You can do soul journeys, which it sounds like you’ve already been doing, but just aren’t aware in this physical world what it is your soul is up to as you sleep. You’re a very old soul, Crystal, I’m sure you’ve been told that before. I was also shown that you are very fearful of sharing your gifts with others. Are you careful with whom you tell- about your gifts?” I nodded a huge nod and said, “oh yes. I feel it in my stomach. When I do get messages for people, or hear how I can help heal them, I feel frightened in my gut. Even though my heart knows I should share this information. I’m still so hesitant to tell people. Not my family or close friends, they all know, my ancient friends know of this,  of my dreams and such. But yeah, I’m terrified to tell people.” He said, “I was shown that in many, many lifetimes, you’ve paid with your life, the price for your healings. I was shown that you’ve been a healer in most lives. You’ve been burned at the stake for being a witch. Some people that are close to you in this life were responsible for your death in some of your lives, especially someone you love deeply in this life. I was also told that in this life you chose to be born to a non-sensitive family. Because in most of your past lives you were born into a family that used your gifts for evil. And they forced you, against your will, to use your gifts for the dark arts. In this life you chose to grow and use your gifts as you wanted. You have been a very powerful healer, to the point of being able to resurrect the dead. Did you know that?”

I simply nodded in disbelief. Brad was the third person, from whom I have gotten this EXACT SAME information from. The past lives, the healer, the family info and the information that people I love have been responsible for my death due to my gifts in past lives. The first was from my friend Imelda. But I loved her, and she was my friend, so I mostly just thought “maybe she’s making this up. Being generous with her words because she knows I suffer from issues of self-worth.” In my Spiritual Development Group, I’ve gotten this information as well. And my being burned and punished in past lives would explain my gutt-fear of sharing my gifts with certain people. Getting over this fear has taken me 39 years! I’ve only always been met with love, when I’ve opened up to people, so nothing in this life would attest to why I’m so scared to tell people. But I have read from many sources that fears we have,  that we can’t explain, could be “soul dust” from strong experiences we’ve had in past lives that have stayed with us, life after life. We always come to heal these old wounds. And clearly, given the open-mindedness of our country in this day and age, this is the life and time for me to ‘get over myself’ and heal this wound, and use my gift as my own heart wants to- to help people. To help them heal their soul wounds and some physical ailments. Clearly God was telling me “It’s time.”

Brad then asked me to share with him my “journey.” I told him of the white space with the seven doors, but that we didn’t go through door #7 and how I thought that was dumb. He said, “perhaps you’re not yet ready. You will be. They’ll let  you see what’s behind door number 7 when it’s time. Go on.” I told him of the fire, the ice, the moon, the air, etc. And how I was shown the connectivity of all that is. He simply sat, with his slight, all-knowing grin on his face and said, “You have been introduced to the Elementals.” “The Ele-what-als?” I asked, in a playful, confused tone. “The Elementals. The Spirits you’ll be working with, should you decide to learn The Ways.” I nodded, like “ohhhhh!” Even though I had absolutely NO idea what he was talking about, but went with it, because again, Weird is the land I reside in. 

We closed up the meeting by my telling him that I was interested in learning. He gave me a book to read, that he felt was informative of ancient traditions of his tribe, from Peru. I took the book and told him I’d read it.

That night, as I was reading in our study, I “suddenly” looked up at our bookcase. I felt drawn to get up and check out some books Michael and I have, and as I’m standing there, reading the spines of the books, this HUGE book that we’ve had fell over.  It was “Animal Speak.” On the cover, is a young man (who looks like it could be me if I were a dude) with the SAME. EXACT. HEADDRESS. I had on, in the cave of “Fire."

I could have passed out.

I flipped through it, excited, chuckled and said up (to God) Got it! You want me to read this! I’ll totes read this!” And as I returned to my reading spot, at the bottom of the page I was reading was a solid description of “The Elementals.” Describing Mama Earth, The Moon, the Apus (mountain spirits) etc. Another synchronicity I couldn’t ignore. I sat, once again, amazed and chuckled at how great God is, and how intimately careful He is at placing his bread crumbs for me to follow to come into my own.

A few weeks had gone by and curiosity had taken over.  I was eager to do another illumination. So I made an appointment for another. When I arrived in Brad’s office we talked again, about what I’d like to work on (what issue inside of me I’d like to fix) and he asked me "Would you like to work on yourself?!” My eyes widened and I asked, “HELLZ YEAH!” He chuckled, and we went around to his Mesa, where he again, had me pick out a bunch of rocks and crystals. He explained that the rocks tell a story. They help him know what is really inside of me and how he can further help me. We opened up sacred space (a series of prayers where we basically call in our angels and guides to protect the space from lower, heavier energies, as the person being healed can be susceptible to such things while being healed. It’s basically like when you go into surgery, you want to make sure the operating room is sterile, so the patient doesn’t get an infection.) and we prayed that my energetic body would be laid out on the table, as he taught me how to do an illumination on myself.

We first checked my chakras (energy centers of the soul) and asked which were blocked, and what was blocking them. My Sacral and Third Eye showed signs of blockage this time.  

Brad told me to hover my hand over my chakra, and ask it why it’s blocked. I took a deep breath, hovered my hand over the area, closed my eyes and I heard “you are preventing yourself from being all you can be. You are keeping yourself small. You are more powerful than you believe yourself to be.” And a fairy and hummingbird showed up. I told Brad and he explained that the fairies live in the "in between." They appear in both the heavenly and physical realm. Their energies pull from both worlds. The hummingbird takes us into the heavens. Help us release things that don’t serve us and help us create the impossible. They help us make the impossible possible.  We called upon the hummingbird when we opened up a corner for sacred space.

Brad had me write the “lie" down and said we were going to burn it. But explained I wasn't really going to write it down. He gave me a small 2x3 piece of paper and asked me to hold it up to my heart and imagine my heart was writing that lie down on the paper. To transfer the negative energy from my inside onto the paper. I did so, and we placed the paper in a small pewter bowl, he lit up a stick of Palo Santo and set the paper on fire. While we burned the “limiting belief” I noticed the flame was all around the paper, but that the paper WAS NOT BURNING!!! Creeped out, I was like “What’s taking it so long?!! Why isn’t it burning?!!” He said “It was heavy energy. That was a lot you were carrying around with you.”  As the paper sat in the flame, I felt violently nauseas and told Brad I felt like I was going to throw up.  He said “good! Throw up! Let it out of you!” I said “Brad I don’t want to throw up in your office!” He said “ok, take super deep breaths, that will get it out as well!” The small paper burned for a very long time and the flame eventually hit the side of the candle the paper was sitting in the bowl with, allowing the pool of wax to pour out over the burning paper, eventually consuming it. He said “The wax is showing us that you protect your emotions, and your lies just burnt a hole in the candle, allowing you to release that energy.” As I stood there watching, I felt myself taking quite a few deep breaths & feeling better with each one. Upon taking my last very deep breath I did feel tons better and with that last breath the flame on the non- burning paper went FWOMP high up in the air and finally consumed it!!! It immediately turned to ash when I took that last deep breath!!! I was like “That was crazy!!"  Brad said “powerful stuff huh?! Everything is connected! You’re releasing it and you’re feeling the release because we’re working in you! This is ACTUAL sorcery! Sorcery means “self serving magic!” You’re working and cleansing YOURSELF!” He was very excited, and I just stood next to him, mostly creeped out, LOL.

We then moved on to other chakras, and we got to my heart chakra. The “limiting belief” (the lie) in my heart, was  “You were formed from an incomplete love. You have accepted their story as your own.  You are perfect whole and complete. You are enough.”  I shared with Brad that I was born with a hole in my heart and though it had physically healed, I still suffer from residual rapid and irregular heart beats. Brad said “Scars may open back up. We don’t want that. We’re going to cauterize it.”  he turned to his Mesa, grabbed a piece of Palo Santo, set an end of it on fire and asked me to find the hole and cauterize it. So we did & when I put the burning wood to my energetic body on the table, I felt an actual pain in my heart! Like someone was stabbing me with a pencil’s eraser. I cowered in pain and I told him it hurt pretty bad, to which he said “Isn’t it fascinating!!! You’re reacting physically to the energetic manipulations of your energetic body!!!!! Just take deep breaths and work through it.” I did have to take deep breaths often, because it did feel like I was releasing much. Still in pain, I asked, “is this why Voodoo works?!” Brad stood at attention, and very seriously answered, “Why…yes, if you want to practice the Dark Arts, yes, this is why it works.” Clutching my chest and half bent over, I replied, “NO! I never want to make ANYONE feel this way, I’m just asking if this is why it works?” He relaxed, chuckled and said, “yes, it’s about intention.” I had to put the stick to my “heart” two more times, and suffered intense pain each time. 

Besides great heart break in this life, I have learned through hypnotherapy, and past-life regressions and some channeling that I’ve been killed by gun shot in my heart in several lives. So it wasn’t surprising that I was born with a hole in my heart in this life. Again, giant, traumatic events can cause us to have physical or emotional ailments that could be healed in this life. Everything is connected and fascinating. I explained to Brad, when we finished up that chakra that the sensation was different than when a Spirit is trying to communicate how they died by giving my body physical sensations. They usually do it broad and gentle. This was the exact size of the stick and extremely painful.  The pain disappeared once I finished with the Palo Santo.

My throat chakra was completely cleared so we moved to my blocked third-eye. When we opened it I got a huge horrible headache to where I couldn’t focus and I felt very angry. I’ve had migraines before, but those was nothing compared to this. This felt like my head was as large as the room and my entire head was in a massive-room-sized vice. I just wanted the headache to go away. Brad said, “Ok! I see you’re unable to work on yourself, so I’ll do this one for you!” He cleared the gunk out of that chakra for me, as I stood breathing through the pain.  Suddenly Brad was hit with an idea, went to a corner of his room, where he grabbed a peacock feather and placed it over the area where my 3rd-eye was and the headache went away like a gentle salve. The design of a peacock feather, is after all, in the shape of an eye. I stood up, now pain free, took a deep breath and again told him “ That was crazy and horrible.” He simply smiled at me and then we discussed what was in it. I saw a cow and a daisy. The brown cow was smelling the daisy. Cows are sacred, they help with nurturing energy, new life, etc. To be called upon for self-care. The daisy is grounded into the earth, which I need to do more of. He asked what the cow meant to me, I said “nothing except that I’ve painted two in the past year.” He giggled and said “Cow's energies have been coming through you all along and you didn’t know why.” We cleared it up and closed that chakra.

Then moved on to the crown chakra, which was fine :)

He told me both this and last time I picked his Shaman stone to represent my heart space. Unbeknownst to me. He said “Your soul knows. You already are Shaman. You have been a Shaman before. You were created to heal. You understand that now, don’t you?” He again expressed his happiness in reminding me of the ways. We say “remind” instead of “teach," as we are of God and have been here hundreds, if not thousands of times before. We have loved each other before, we have taught and learned from each other before. There is nothing we need to ‘learn’ regarding our natural gifts, we need only remember who we are. And that is of God- we already have all we need within us. We need only seek the truth that already lies inside us. 

All of this happened in the fall last year, and in January I took my first four-day Shaman “class.” I have a tribe now. I love each tribe member, as we became close while doing energy healings on each other. Much energy was released within me. I thought healings and such I’ve done in the past were amazing. That was NOTHING compared to the things I learned (remembered) that weekend. It was as if before I was practicing general medicine and I felt I came out a brain surgeon. I’ve done illuminations on my own energetic body, as well as some friends (as we’re to practice before our next class) and oh my goodness is God taking me on an out-of-this world ride!! God blows my mind every day anyway, but the things I’ve experienced performing illuminations has been insanely amazing.  With the people’s permission, (or by changing their names) I’ll write of their illuminations.

Since having Shaman Brad and my tribe members working on me, I will say I can tell a HUGE difference in myself. For one, I’m MUCH braver in the sharing of my gifts. I’m braver when it comes to standing up for myself when people treat me poorly. I’m no longer afraid to speak my truth with love- you can tell someone they’re treating you poorly with gentleness and be assertive with kindness. I’ve had giant issues surface regarding my biological father, and I know due to soul-healings, I’ve been handling those much better.

This stuff is real, people.  Physical and emotional ailments that we can’t put a finger on can be thousands of years old. Reiki Healers and Shamans and other soul-light Workers can help you heal them. They can help shed light onto the makings of your soul. These are not scary things, these are things that have been here since the dawn of age, and are of God. We are not given these gifts to hurt each other, but to help each other out. What we give out, we get back (three and seven fold!) I practice Love because Love is what runs through our veins. Love is the air we breathe, and we are all connected by that Love. We are born of the same God and elements, we belong to each other.  We are all amazing, with our own unique, amazing gifts. And if something is ailing you, seek a spiritual counselor who can help you out. Pray, meditate and wait and see where God will guide you.

I’m just grateful that we have a Maker who is intimately intertwined with everything around us. And when I pray for guidance, God leads me. And this journey, the Shamanic Journey, is one I know in my bones I am meant to follow. And I cannot wait to see what the next 365 days holds for me, and how God will guide me to use these gifts, He has given me.


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