
Showing posts from January, 2019

Everything is Real and Amazing!

A couple of years ago I attended a group meeting, at Caring Palms, that was facilitated by this lovely lady named Imelda . She was a Nebula on Earth.  She was new in town at the time, and was in my Spiritual Development Class, so since I loved her, I decided to support her by coming to this new group. She called her meetings  “Ascension” Classes. Most of it was meditation, that Imelda would guide us through, but overtime something amazing happened. Now mind you, even though I’ve had front row seats to miracles on Earth, I still think everything is crazy!!! Imelda wanted us to “walk down a long flight of stairs, where we would enter a pyramid at the bottom of the stairs.” “OK, this is weird, but I’ll do it.” I thought to myself, as we all settled into meditation. During this meditation, my soul felt very anxious and afraid, and I screamed out for Jesus. Which, though I love Jesus, was odd, because I’ve meditated a thousand times before and have never experienced fear...

Cutting the Connection- Lesson Learned the HARD WAY

One VALUABLE lesson I foolishly learned the hard way, was cutting the connection between myself, and the person I’m doing a healing on.  The lesson was learned when I went to have lunch with my beloved friend Mickey. Mickey is in his 80’s, and I go check on him about every three months. We usually have lunch in his town home, as he’s not as mobile as he used to be. In speaking to him, since becoming brave enough to share my gift,  I’ve come to learn that he performed hypnotherapy and is a medium as well. Mickey also believes in the power of energy healing. I’ve known him for almost 20 years and had no idea he had “the gift” - though I should have known better, given that he owned a large and very successful healing center for most of his life. After much talk, sharing amazing stories of things we’ve experienced as mediums and ‘healers’, Mickey asked me to heal him- it felt more like a “let’s see what you got, kid” than a friendly “oh please do one on me!” LOL- Mickey ca...

My First Real Healing

In 2014 I took my first healing class with my “Medium” mentor, Marilyn Jenquin . I use “healing” very lightly here- I mean the Light and Glory of God and All that is- that energy enters the body and does what is best for the body, physically and energetically. No matter what it does, it helps, whether an ailment is completely “cured” or not. It was at the house of a very tall, gentle man, named Marcus. I was nervous, as it was my first event with a group of people outside of good friends and family- this was like game on! Most of the ladies were “seasoned” mediums and healers. Some were masseuses, some were Reiki Practitioners, and some were just kind hearted souls with “the gift.” We opened up the class with a meditation, which was great, because it really calmed me down. I could focus much easier after that. We were taught what to do, what we might expect and the number one, most important thing, ALWAYS CUT THE CONNECTION between you and the person being “healed.” B...

Signs of Negative Entity

I'm going to share a list of things I've experienced, that can be signs of a negative entity present in a home or attached to a person or physical object. I'm not a doctor, or medical professional of any kind, this is just my opinion- I don't believe all mental cases are actually mental. I think often times people will have a negative entity and believe themselves to be "going crazy," when they're actually fighting a spiritual battle, but have no one around them to help.  Some call these negative energies  "hitch hikers" draining them, causing them to be fatigued, grumpy, short tempered, etc. The person might complain of feeling "heavy" or always complain of being tired, even though their sleep patterns are good and considered healthy. Some people may see shadows out of the corner of their eye, or see silhouettes in their closets or doorways. Some have very disturbing nightmares, or may be randomly woken from a very deep sleep, feel...

Psychometry A Little Lesson In Fun

A couple months ago in my spiritual development class we did a psychometry exercise. Psychometry is the ability to get a reading off an object.  Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s amazing.  I laugh because even though I’ve had front row seats to legit magic on Earth, I still always think this stuff is fake and everyone around me is crazy. But this was super neat so I’m going to share! My teacher had us discretely pick an item that is currently “on us” she said “something you carry with you all the time, that’s very personal to you.” I picked my lip smacker, because I’d die without mine. Like- if I were stranded on a deserted island, I HAVE to have my lip smacker or I’m just going to die. We each picked our things, hid it from the others and she passed around a large bowl that we threw our objects in. I believe this class had about ten people in it. The teacher went around another time, and had us (without looking) feel around in the bowl and pick out an item to do a ...

Cleansing Licy's Home

This is my account of helping my friend Licy. At the end of my story, I've included Licy's account (with her permission)  This was a case where a negative energy had attached itself to an object, reeking havoc on Licy, along with a stuck child spirit, that needed help crossing over as well. ~~~ I went home for Christmas and my friend Licy sent me a text and asked me to help her. There’s been strange happenings in her house and asked if I could do a cleanse. I leapt at the chance, as I’ve only ever done my home and my mama’s house. We planned for me to come over the next day. OF COURSE the ONE TIME I didn’t bring my bag with me, where I carry my sage, a cross, holy water and a white candle.  But I knew Maggie, my grandfather’s girlfriend, who also had “the gift," had given my mama “tools,"  so I prayed for my angels to help me find that stuff and I found tons of holy water, a cross and some protective stones... plus I had my “white Angelica” oils which I always...

Crossing a Soul Over

This is my account of helping my friend Alma with a negative spirit she had in her home.  This entity was manipulating electrical objects, such as the TV and lights. It was draining her daughter of energy and throwing things at her daughter as well. At the end of this entry, I've included (with her permission) her account of the event.  Alma called me super early, 7:12 a.m. on December 18, 2018. Unfortunately, I was knee deep in the "morning run” with my kids and couldn’t answer. I simply prayed for her and kept on trucking until I could talk to her, an hour later. When I called her back, she answered and said, “I’m cleansing my house, you’re on speaker.” and went on to passionately pray and rid the area of negative energy. She proclaimed that she is a child of God and all that is not of the highest order of God is not welcome in her home. She asked it to leave her, her children, her husband and home alone. She prayed, saged and I got chills all over my body and...