So What’s Reiki And What The Eff Are Chakra's?

So what’s Reiki and what the eff are Chakra's?


When I was tiny, I lived in a tiny, poe-dunk town in south Florida. I lived with my grandparents, my uncle and my mama, in a tiny, cinderblock three bedroom, one bathroom house. My grandmother, was an energy healer. A Curandera, in Spanish.  I remember women would bring their very sick small children to her, she’d do something with an egg, saying prayers over them, cracking the egg open, looking at the yolk, and telling the mother what the ailment was, based on the yolk. The children ALWAYS rose as if nothing was ever wrong with them. And they’d come in LETHARGIC!!! With legs and arms limp! As a mama, now I understand that they REALLY should have taken their babies to the hospital, but se’ la vie’! In my experience, in Hispanic culture, we always see La Curandera first, and LAST we see a real doctor. Also, I don’t know any crazy Hispanics. I think because of the healers of our communities, they’d tell us “it’s an evil spirit” that entered the person, they’d get that evil spirit out, and the person would walk away fine. That was always the case- the outcome, was always that the person would be 100% better than before seeing the Healer.  I think in this North American Culture, many times things are not always mental, but can be a case of an attachment or heavy energy. I’m not a doctor, and I know there are real mental diseases, I’m just saying I think we should FIRST seek spiritual counseling BEFORE we decide to get on medication that can lead to liver and kidney damage, altered states of mind and possible death- I mean, HOW MANY side affects do these drugs cause?!!! Just saying- maybe we should get back to the roots of our ancestors and find a way to marry their old medicine with our modern medicine as well.

SO!! Being a legit grown-up, in this busy, American world I live in, I hit a point where I was D-O-N-E, DONE-AH! I had run myself ragged and there was literally nothing left inside of me. I wasn’t depressed, I wasn’t hungry, I just realized that the world was too much, I always felt drained and DONE. It was the first day of school for my little babies who were both in elementary school then, and I was just spent. Just dropping them off that morning in the chaos, sadness, excitement, fear and anxiousness in that school was too much.  I could feel everything and it drained me.  

Because I remembered that there is more to this world than what we see and what modern medicine could help me with, I decided to go online and search for an energy healer near me. I Googled “energy healer” and the term “Reiki Healer” popped up on my computer screen. I searched for one near me, and saw that such a healer existed less than a mile from my house. Caring Palms, Massage and Reiki, was the name of the place. I called, made an appointment and the man said I could come in that day, which was perfect. I crashed on my bed, because I was just too done to handle life. 

I had no idea what to expect during the session, but had been suffering from EXTREME neck pain for about six months, so I figured NO MATTER WHAT, I could get that kink worked out of my neck with a good massage. The pain was SO MUCH I’d even gone and gotten x-rays done on my neck, which yielded no explanation for such extreme pain in my neck. So, at least maybe this guy could help me out in that area.

I went to my appointment, which was set at 11, and came to meet the owner, Brian, who would be performing Reiki on me. He explained that Reiki was simply Spiritual Energy Healing, that it was all very natural and little to no physical touch involved. Which was fine by me, as I wasn’t in the mood to be touched.  

He asked me to stand before him, while he stood, eyes closed, “looking at my energetic body.” “ooookay.” I thought. Weird, but again, I live in the land of weird, so “why not?” Standing never killed anyone, so I stood and let him “scan” my energetic body. He found that I was off balance, and he could sense something was wrong with my neck. “Nice!” I thought to myself, as I wasn’t going to give him any idea as to what was really wrong with me- I was testing his skills, to be honest.  He then asked me to lay on his massage table, and he would begin the treatment.

 He took very deep breaths, closed his eyes and hovered both his hands over my torso.  I closed my eyes, and tried to relax my body. A few seconds after he hovered his hands over my torso I felt a huge, almost magnetic feeling under his hands. You know when you play with two magnets, that force that pushes the two negatives away? THAT’S WHAT IT FELT LIKE UNDER HIS HANDS IN MY TORSO!!! I FREAKED out, shot my head up and yelled, “WOAH! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!!!” Brian jumped, surprised, removed his hands from above me and asked, “You can feel that?!” I said, “YES I CAN FEEL THAT!!! YOU CAN’T FEEL THAT?!” He calmed down, returned his hands over me again and said, “No. I do not have to feel it, to believe it is there. I believe it is there, therefore it is.” I relaxed as well, laid my head back down, closed my eyes and said, “Yeah. I call that Faith.” “You must be an Empath.” Brian calmly said, “A what?” I asked, “An Empath. You’re sensitive to the energies around you. Do you strongly feel the emotions of others? Or find that you feel drained if you go shopping at a store that’s busy? Or feel like you need to sleep after visiting with a needy friend?” I lifted my head up again, looking at Brian like he was my savior, and said, “Oh my goodness!! YES!!! YES TO ALL THOSE THINGS!!!! What’s the word for this?” “Empath. It’s a psychic gift.” “It absolutely does not feel like a gift at all. It feels like a bloody curse. The world is painful. I like just staying in my house….and not wearing pants.” Brian chuckled and said, “Yup. Most of you do. But you’re designed to changed those heavy energies you feel, not become a victim to them.” “And how does one do that?” I asked and Brian answered “I can teach you.” “Can you teach me for free, or for five bucks? ‘Cause that’s about all I got right now.” Brian chuckled again and said, “I can give you a few tips after this, but you’d benefit more by coming to a Reiki Class. Then you’d learn how to do this and you can do it on yourself.” “Well, that sounds expensive and I doubt my husband will let me do expensive.” And I relaxed my body again.

After a while, I asked, “What is that? I feel like under some spots, there are like circular disks. They feel like they’re like three inches around and an inch deep, and they go "fwomp, fwomp," like magnets, when you put your hands over them. What is that?” “They’re your Chakras.” Brian said flatly. “My Sha-what-as?” I cockily asked, “Your Chakras. The energy centers of your energetic body. They control different things. Blockages can cause emotional and physical disturbances.” “oooookay. Whatever. This guy is CRAY-ZEE” I thought in my head. “What else do you feel?” Brian asked.  “It feels like a wind flowing all through my torso. Sometimes it’s smooth, at some spots it stops and ripples. I can feel it move up to my shoulders, and pinch a spot that has been hurting, then it shoots back down into my torso, back up to my neck, pinch again, release and let go. And though I’m completely fine and relaxed, sometimes it’s causing a ball in my throat to form. And it feels like it’s trying to push the ball out, but as if the ball is getting stuck. Like a tennis ball size. That’s actually the ball that rises in my throat when I get upset, sad or mad. It rises in my throat and I can’t talk and it gets a little hard to breathe. But then the ball goes back down my throat, into my torso and tries to come out again. It really feels like it’s trying to push this ball out.”  Brian simply continued his work, an all-knowing grin coming across his face and he goes, “Mhm. That’s your Throat Chakra. It’s blocked. And the energy is trying to remove the blockage. Do you hold your tongue a lot?” (now we were getting personal) “Um…yeah. I guess so. What do you mean?” “I mean, when you’re angry or upset, do you not yell or express your feelings?” “Nope. I figure the things I’m thinking aren’t beneficial to the circumstance, so I don’t fight back, if that’s what you’re asking. I figure I can come back later and say “that really hurt me when…” Except, I don’t want to rock the boat after a fight, so I never really come back and tell people how they treated me hurt me, or upset me. So….really they get it out and I don’t. So I PAINT INSTEAD! Or write.” “Mhm” Brian continued, “Most Empaths are artists of some sort. Musicians, poets, artists, you all have the gift of deep feeling, and you express what’s inside you through creation.” “yeah. I have to create or I feel like I’ll go crazy and die. Like these things REALLY have intelligence, and they clamor against the walls of my soul until I get them out….via art, or poem or writing or whatever.” I explained.  Brian went on, “yeah, getting it out of you will help to not let it build up inside of you. It’ll help to prevent these blockages.”

“There it went!!! The ball!!! It just popped out! The one in my throat!!! That was crazy!” I took deep breaths and continued, “Oh my goodness!!! I actually feel like I can breathe better! That’s weird!!!”  Brian replied, “Do you get a lot of sore throats, or sinus issues, or ear issues….neck pain, you told me you already have.” “Oh yes!! All the above!!!” “Do you notice, say after a fight, where you held your tongue, maybe you get a sore throat after that?” I looked away from Brian, pondering his question…remembering the thousand times my husband has been mad at me, or I’ve been mad or upset, but not expressed myself and “yes, now that I think of it, I do get sore throats or my allergies are really bad afterwards! Oh my goodness!!!” Brian’s all-knowing grin never left his face and he said, “Yup. Everything is connected. Your energetic body, your Chakras, they’re all connected and if left untreated, you’ll start getting sick from this. From not taking care of yourself.”

I noticed Brian was sweating PROFUSELY, like he was running a marathon. I asked him, “are you ok?” To which he calmly said, “yes. You’re taking an astronomical amount of Reiki from Source. It’s like you were completely empty.” I took a deep breath and said, “that’s what I felt like. That’s why I came. This wasn’t depression, this was that I literally didn’t have any energy in me to function.” I explained. “yes, you were too busy giving and giving and giving. You haven’t been taking care of yourself. You need to learn to protect your energy source. I’ll teach you some things that will help.”  “thank you.” I said, and felt my entire body relax. Brian was an answered prayer. I’d been praying to God to help me. I did tell God that “You made me this way. I need your help to understand what I’m experiencing. Please bring me people who can help me.” And God lead me here, to Brian, to his little space at the beach that people come to, to heal. To receive massages and energy healings.  He was a God send. And still is.

Brian is now one of my most beloved Mentors and a treasure to know. He holds classes at his Massage Center. He teaches Reiki, does group sessions and holds the space for the Spiritual Development Class I attend. The Spiritual Development class is a group of people designed just like me. We do mediumship, learn healing techniques, meditation, even classes on oils and their healing properties. These are my people. When I’m with them I feel like I’m home. Their stories are just as crazy as my stories. In that space I am all of me and no part of me is afraid to share my gifts with them. We’ve all been made to feel like we’re crazy from “normal” or “religious” people. We’ve all been made fun of and we all agree the world is a painful place to walk through. We help each other, lean on each other, and most importantly encourage each other, as all of our gifts, though similar are different. Some people in the group straight up see whole people (who are dead) walking around. Some are shadow chasers, who help fight for The Light. Some are healers, but all of them have giant, kind hearts who just want to help others.

Brian taught me about shielding, to help me protect my energies. Which has helped me IMMENSELY. I’ve learned how to call on my Divine team, to give me a line from Heaven, so needy people don’t take from me, they take The Light directly from God. I’ve been told “I always love being with you, I always feel so much better after talking to you!” And in my head I’d be like “well I always need a nap after talking to you.” Now I understood what was going on. They were LITERALLY taking my energy, and I was LITERALLY taking on their heavy energy. I now understand that yes, I was designed to change the energy, but I wasn’t meant to sacrifice my own well being for them. So, though I prayed then, I know the correct prayers to pray now. And the difference is night and day.  That day, when I first met Brian, my husband could see the difference and said I was night and day. I did research on this “crazy Chakra stuff,” And did find that blockages cause certain physical ailments. Even cancer. It’s crazy and amazing, and SO SIMPLE TO CURE, if we only give it a chance.

Everyone breathing should go get a Reiki Healing Session. Even if you can’t feel it, it’s working. You’ll always get what you NEED. The Spiritual Energy will ALWAYS work for you for the good. And in filling yourself up, your newly filled “happy/love vibes” will ripple out into your family. They’ll feel the difference too. You’ll change the world, actually, by opening up your mind and allowing God to flow through you like that.

It’s a life changer, I promise.


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