
Showing posts from 2018

Moving Past My Fear

Yesterday I started my blog (FINALLY!) after maybe a decade of wanting to go public with my writings and my story.  Though I was super excited, I also had this deep seated fear deep in my stomach.  I shared with my friend Laura (whom I run the blog Nebula Sisters with) and told her of this fear. As usual, she acted like my cheerleader and told me how happy she was for me and how important it is that I move beyond this fear of mine. She reminded me that in the first and 2nd Hypnotherapy session she and I did together that my Higher Self and The All told us that my fears are seeded from hundreds of lifetimes ago. Back to the times of the Pharos. That in most of my past lives I was persecuted for my gifts and practices. But that this is a time when the minds of people are far more open than before and I will not be persecuted for the way our Maker designed me. She reminded me that this is a time to HAPPILY, bravely and BOLDLY use and share my gifts with others.   So he...

Store Up Happy

Store up Happy So....not too long ago, it was glitter and potpourri day. Though I make light of it, it's not one of my favorite matter how freakishly small my doctor's hands are, it's never fun to get probed in front of an audience. I glittered, probed, and moved out, with my favorite nurse's last words to me being, “we'll send a post card....or call if there is a change." "Got it!" I cheerfully answered, and went about my life. Two weeks later, was in the middle of getting the kids out the door for baseball, when my phone rang. "Crystal?" My favorite nurse asked, the opposite of Sunshine (she's my favorite because she is like walking sunshine, plus, she laughs at my jokes, which always puts people high on my favorite list) "Yeah, Hi! Marie!" I happily answered, trying to ignore her downish tone. "Hey Sweetie, listen, we got your results back, and two came back....abnor...

First Time I FELT God

In 2010 my husband wanted to leave our 6 year-long marriage. Don't go getting all sad, every single marriage goes through their rough patches. This was one of ours. In hindsight it may have been a mid-life crisis on his part, I have no idea.  All I know is that at the time I was drowning in little babies and probably wasn't being the most doting wife I could have been. Either way, it was early one morning when my husband called me a few minutes after he left for work. I could tell something was wrong and kept asking him if he was ok. "I'm fine." was always his answer. But duh, I'm a girl and we know better.  So, he called me and told me that he wasn't happy in our marriage and he thinks he should move out. Our babies were little then, two and four. I was getting our son ready for preschool and changing the baby when he called. I remember hearing the words, "I'm not happy and I think I should move out." And everything moved in slow motion....

I'm just a girl......

My name is Crystal. I was born in a teeny, tiny town named Immokalee, in South West Florida and now live in North Florida. Here I will share the crazy, yet amazing stories of my journey from believing I was unworthy of anything good, to finding God,  being ordained as a Deacon in my church to my latest be taught the ways of the Shaman.  I'm so excited to FINALLY break out of my shell (come out of hiding in fear) and share my story of my spiritual gifts. My grandmother was an energy healer and I lived with her until I was 5. My mom and I moved in with my step-dad then, where I was pushed into the "Western World" of science and modern medicine. In my early 30's my gifts REALLY vamped up, and I knew I needed to get back to my roots and learn the things I had witnessed my grandmother do. Unfortunately, she died when I was 15 before she could teach me her "woo-woo" ways, but with prayer, God has brought me to amazing mentors and a highly spiritua...